Welcome to
Countess of Low Carb

Welcome to Countess of Low Carb

Where royal living
meets real life.

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Countess 100 Pound Book Club

Hi Loves!

I am starting the Countess 100 Pounds Book Club to help aid in our 100 pounds weight loss goal (or 50 pounds…or 30 pounds…or whatever weight you need to release) !

After the first few months on the  weight loss journey, the weight loss journey becomes a mental and emotional journey and not just a physical journey.  I/we HAVE to change our brains, environments, emotions, etc to change our bodies to lose a chunk-of-change in weight loss of 30, 50, 100+ pounds. The Countess 100 Pounds Book Club is focused on the mental and emotional change that occurs on the weight loss journey.

I will choose books that will always have audio with them so we can listen while we are driving, doing laundry or walking and books that are available at local libraries so you don’t have to purchase the book.

Our first book we will be reading is: 

Brene Brown’s The Gifts Of Imperfection.


✔️We will start on Friday, August 24th.

✔️We will end on Friday, October 5th.

✔️The book is 180 pages.

✔️I’ve structured it to be 3-5 pages of reading per day or 21-35 pages per week.

✔️I will be listening to the audio!

✔️If you are a late night snacker, I implore you to use the Countess 100 Pound Book Club as a way to deter late night stuffing.

✔️If you want to get the book from Amazon, get it HERE.  Feel free to find the book at the used book store or library so you don’t have to purchase it.

✔️We will have 4 Facebook Lives to discuss the book:

-Fri, August 24th kick off!

-Sun Sept 9th @ 9pm EST for pages 21-50.
..TBD next FB lives….
✔️Review pages & questions
✔️Threads on Countess of Low Carb Facebook page


Cheering on your success!


Elizabeth, Countess Of Low Carb

30 Minute Encouragement Calls

All encouragement call attendees will have access to keto meal plans ecourse portal and How To Start Keto Diet Easily ecourse portal for downloadable materials for 90 days. I take client time seriously so I do have a 72 hour cancellation policy and no refund policy for encouragement calls.

Email countessoflowcarb@gmail.com for availabilities and application questions. application questions.

One, 30 minute encouragement call for $67 for weight loss accountability, celebration and solutions via conference call.

12 Week | 90 Day Weight Loss Package

The 90 day sprint gives enough time to see repeated patterns and challenges that pop up… and then solve those patterns and challenges! Shorter than 90 days, clients won’t see the fruits of their labor and sustainable, long last results.

Three results happen with three months together, you feel better, are more in control of what you eat, and lose inches on a consistent basis when you follow our agreed on goals and suggestions given of how to obtain those goals.

Have Questions? Please email countessoflowcarb@gmail.com for availabilities and application questions.

I see the best results when clients commit to at least three months of encouragement together. 

12 weeks of working together hand-in-hand for weight loss encouragement is only $897.

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