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Countess of Low Carb

Welcome to Countess of Low Carb

Where royal living
meets real life.

(Friends: The links in this post may contain affiliate links. Countess of Low Carb & her furbabies will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through the links at no cost to you. Read our disclosure policy here.) Presale on Weight Loss Stall Series – Crush It W/ Countess – August 1st 

50 Pound Weight Loss Journey

My 50 pound weight loss journey has been quite an evolution! 

In college, I was a Weight Watchers flunky.  I vacillated from starving myself to binge eating to try to balance out my WW points. I could never get those darns points balanced from starving to binge eating.

Post college, I did the Weight Watchers roller coaster of being on the plan for two weeks and off the plan for a month. I thought something was wrong with me because I could not ‘get it’. Everyone around me seemed to ‘get it’, but I was defective and continued to gain weight while binges increased.

After tipping out at a very high weight after giving birth to my precious son, The Duke, I tried to lose weight, but again could not. I was desperate and even had a consult for lapband surgery.

At the surgery consult, the medical staff referenced the Atkins diet. I thought I would try Atkins one more time because I WAS TERRIFIED of the weight loss surgery.  The only food plan that had worked was Atkins.

I started with Atkins which evolved into keto which evolved into intermittent fasting which evolved into me now lifting weights for a 50 pound weight loss.

**PS – many of you asked my about pink weight lifting gloves. I can’t find the exact pair I use now, but here is a similar pink lifting glove.

My Top 5 Weight Loss Tips:

  1. Keto – Start keto and give yourself 6 weeks to fully feel the benefits. Keto is your Superman.
  2. Intermittent Fasting – Weave in intermittent fasting with keto. Intermittent fasting is your Batman.
  3. Labels – Read your labels for creepy carbs. Label reading is your Ironman.
  4. Body Movement – Figure out how to move your body with something you love for 20 minutes or more to sweat.  Body movement is your Hulk.
  5. Sugar Free Products – Knock out sugar free products except as a once a week treat. Minimal sugar free products is your Black Widow.

You are now a Weight Loss Avenger!

And it turns out, my body was never meant to do Weight Watchers. It was meant to eat real foods.

High fat + Moderate Protein + Low Carb = Keto Success

Intermittent Fasting for 16/8 or more for six days a week

Like these tips and want my full course? Presale on Weight Loss Stall Series – Crush It W/ Countess – August 1st 


Sponsored Links:

Excellent resource:  More Info On Keto

Sponsored Keto Amazon Book

Countess of Low Carb is not a doctor and information on this video and website should be not used in place of medical advice. The information on this page is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.

30 Minute Encouragement Calls

All encouragement call attendees will have access to keto meal plans ecourse portal and How To Start Keto Diet Easily ecourse portal for downloadable materials for 90 days. I take client time seriously so I do have a 72 hour cancellation policy and no refund policy for encouragement calls.

Email countessoflowcarb@gmail.com for availabilities and application questions. application questions.

One, 30 minute encouragement call for $67 for weight loss accountability, celebration and solutions via conference call.

12 Week | 90 Day Weight Loss Package

The 90 day sprint gives enough time to see repeated patterns and challenges that pop up… and then solve those patterns and challenges! Shorter than 90 days, clients won’t see the fruits of their labor and sustainable, long last results.

Three results happen with three months together, you feel better, are more in control of what you eat, and lose inches on a consistent basis when you follow our agreed on goals and suggestions given of how to obtain those goals.

Have Questions? Please email countessoflowcarb@gmail.com for availabilities and application questions.

I see the best results when clients commit to at least three months of encouragement together. 

12 weeks of working together hand-in-hand for weight loss encouragement is only $897.

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