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Countess of Low Carb

Welcome to Countess of Low Carb

Where royal living
meets real life.

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Weight Loss Reward Ideas – Crystal’s Creations

Excuse the pun, but having a ‘carrot’ reward along the weight loss journey is so important!

I interviewed Crystal from Crystal Hastings Bath & Bodycare. and we talked about her luxurious, hand crafted soaps, lip balms and lotions.

50 pounds lost. For every 5 pounds I have lost, I have always had small non-food rewards for myself.  The reward does not have to be huge and I usually stick to the $5-10 range.  Most recently, I have used Crystal Creations’ soaps as positive rewards for myself for my keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle.

For weight loss goals, I would encourage you to:

Have SMART goals (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time based deadline). For example, this month I will:

  1. Walk 3 times per week for 20 minutes each walk for the next 4 weeks.
  2. Plan and meal prep my food on Sundays and again on Wednesdays to set myself up for success. I will create a shopping list and have a calendar of meals, meal ideas or restaurants I will be using.
  3. I will sleep for 8 hours each night for the month. I will allow for naps if my body is needing additional sleep time with a 2 year old.

See my examples for each month?

I try to have specific goals each month.  I try to vary goals to set myself up for success and what is most pressing for that month.

When I hit these goals, I reward myself with a $5-$10 treat at the end of the month. This is how Crystal’s beautiful creations came in to play.  Her ingredients are hand selected and make it a fun reward to achieve!

I LOVED the concept of healthy fats on the inside and outside. Crystal even named one of her soaps after me, The Countess (I’m blushing!).

If you are looking for a small reward for yourself as positive reinforcement, I would encourage you to try one of Crystal’s soap creations or lip balms. Click HERE and get 10% OFF by using the code:  Countess

To see our fun interview, watch:



Royal weight loss for the woman willing to work for it from a woman who has.

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Excellent resource:  More Info On Keto

Sponsored Keto Amazon Book

Countess of Low Carb is not a doctor and information on this video and website should be not used in place of medical advice. The information on this page is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for medical advice.


30 Minute Encouragement Calls

All encouragement call attendees will have access to keto meal plans ecourse portal and How To Start Keto Diet Easily ecourse portal for downloadable materials for 90 days. I take client time seriously so I do have a 72 hour cancellation policy and no refund policy for encouragement calls.

Email countessoflowcarb@gmail.com for availabilities and application questions. application questions.

One, 30 minute encouragement call for $67 for weight loss accountability, celebration and solutions via conference call.

12 Week | 90 Day Weight Loss Package

The 90 day sprint gives enough time to see repeated patterns and challenges that pop up… and then solve those patterns and challenges! Shorter than 90 days, clients won’t see the fruits of their labor and sustainable, long last results.

Three results happen with three months together, you feel better, are more in control of what you eat, and lose inches on a consistent basis when you follow our agreed on goals and suggestions given of how to obtain those goals.

Have Questions? Please email countessoflowcarb@gmail.com for availabilities and application questions.

I see the best results when clients commit to at least three months of encouragement together. 

12 weeks of working together hand-in-hand for weight loss encouragement is only $897.

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